Wednesday, January 25, 2012

14 Days of "Sweet Ideas"

As Valentine's Day quickly approaches I thought  it might be fun to post "14" days of "Sweet Ideas"... Ways to show your love, appreciation, and affection for the special people in your life.

Over the next 14 days I'll be posting some:
* great gift ideas (for most any budget)
* yummy recipes
* romantic/fun date ideas
* recommendations for some great local DFW area attractions/restaurants
* a few wedding proposal ideas...for those choosing to 'pop the question' this Valentines
* special ways to celebrate as a family...especially with your kids
* fun decorating ideas: including a step by step 'how-to' in designing a gift basket and your very own flower arrangement

I am also going to give away 2 great prizes!

During the next 14 days I would love for everyone to send in their PERFECT DATE ideas.
(Leave it in the "comment" section of the blog.)
Your name will be entered into the drawing for the 2 prizes below ...for each date idea you post.
Let's be really creative you guys....while keeping it "G" rated!! Lol!

For fun....I will select some of the most creative PERFECT DATE ideas and repost them throughout the 2 weeks.

February 8th will end our 14 days of "Sweet Ideas" and our 2 prize winners names will be announced!

The Give Away Prizes will be:


A Breast Cancer Awareness - zebra print necklace set I recently designed.                                       
Valued at: $64.00

#2. A Relaxation Spa Care Package including a satin eye mask, bath pillow, sea sponge, candle, bubble bath, body lotion, music CD, nail polish and chocolates!!
Valued at: $75.00

Hopefully after 14 days of inspiring ideas will have come up with the PERFECT Valentines celebration for the one you love!

Looking forward to it!!
The 14 days of "Sweet Ideas" starts tomorrow - Jan. 26th!
Make sure to tell your friends.....



  1. a perfect date...just spending time with my love alone. I love taking long drives in the country. And a good date almost always involves yummy mexican food. But sometimes it's just a simple trip to the grocery store together. :)

  2. One of our best dates, I cooked a dinner of ribs and all the fixings. As soon as he got home from work, I loaded it on the boat along with some music and a bottle of wine. We drove the boat to a secluded section of the lake and eat the dinner, drank the wine, listened to the music, all while chatting and watching the sun set. It was very nice.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great date idea: Go to his/ her favorite entree, then go out for decadent dessert after a stroll, night gazing, etc.

  5. One of my most memorable dates was the night Trace proposed. He took me to dinner at my favorite restaurant "at the time" Red Lobster. He then took me to his house. When I opened the door, soft saxophone music was playing, candles were lit and at the center of the room was a chocolate cake and a teddy bear. Around the teddy bears neck was my ring. He handed me the bear, got on one knee and proposed. If you are going AWWW he's so romantic, NO Brandy did it all. Shes great! (wink)

  6. A perfect date involves good food and conversation with my husband. We turn off the cell phones and the computer and just spend time together. We love to have date night at home after the kids go to bed. He cooks a special meal and we eat, talk, and watch a great movie (without talking animals or animation!!). The best part is that we don't have to leave the house to have fun!


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